Health & Safety


The health safety and well-being of our children and stuff is our number one priority. All children are exposed to 15 minutes daily of my phone is to help cope with the current time we are living.
We follow the CDC (Center of Disease Control) guidelines to keep everyone safe.

Children and staff wash their hands frequently throughout the day.

Mask is mandatory for all children staff and parents.

Children are spaced out 6 feet as much as possible. frequently touch surfaces or sanitize several times throughout the day.

Sick children are isolated and parents are contacted immediately. Sick children are required a doctor’s note to return.

Water fountains have been disabled.

Activities are held outdoors.

Limited access to guest and visitors.

Parents are not allowed in the building during drop off and pick up time. 

Toys, lessons and materials are sanitized frequently throughout the day.

We enhance air circulation by performing and disinfecting weekly with the fogger.